Manufacturing Minister of Victoria congratulates Duratray for its Export results
The Hon David Hodgett, Minister for ports, major projects and manufacturing in Victoria, congratulated Duratray for the export of a new fleet of its innovative Suspended Dump Bodies to New Caledonia during a recent celebratory event at the Port of Melbourne.
Following the success of the unique tray design developed to reduce carryback in mining operations handling sticky, wet and high clay ores Duratray will be manufacturing and delivering a fleet of nine Suspended Dump Bodies to be fitted to Caterpillar model 777G haul trucks.
To celebrate the export of the first batch of trays Duratray held a ceremony on 20TH March supported by the Victorian Government at which the Hon David Hodgett MP delivered a speech to suppliers, collaborators, clients and government officials. The Minister noted that Duratray International had secured a contract to supply the trays to one of the most important nickel mines in New Caledonia.
“The mine has switched to Duratray for its dump truck bodies which is great news for the company and great news for Victoria’s manufacturing export industry” the Minister added.
On the other hand, Mr. Stephen Hall Chief Operating Officer for Duratray explained the benefits of the customised design of the Suspended Dump Body developed to solve carryback issues, highlighting the dumping capabilities of the tray system when loading and unloading material specially when those stick to the floor of the tray and other equipment.
“The flexible rubber wear mat extended to the sites of the steel frame acts as a trampoline for this type of material and allows the load to be emptied completely avoiding carryback” Mr. Hall said.
Additional shipments of Duratrays will be delivered to the same operation over the coming months as result of this new contract. Duratray is currently manufacturing customised dump bodies for export to Canada, South Africa and Kyrgyzstan, as well as for clients in Australian states WA, SA, Victoria and NSW.
With assistance from the Victorian Government Duratray will participate in one of the major mining tradeshows of South America, Expomin Chile in April 2014.
