Since establishing a manufacturing supply agreement with supplier (NOV Profab) in Indonesia, Duratray International Field Service personnel made a number of visits to perform a final quality inspection and handover on a number of international Suspended Dump Bodies (SDB) that NOV Profab has fabricated and to offer comprehensive training on the installation of the SDB suspended rubber wearmat kits.
With the increased demand for local support for the SDB product from customers on all continents, Duratray is now able to assist with local expertise to cater for their ongoing product support needs.

The main reason Duratray has chosen NOV Profab as a suitable supplier is their reputation for high-quality manufacturing, competitive cost and more importantly, their high priority for working safely.
NOV Profab facility is located at Batam Island, Indonesia, which forms part of a Free Trade Zone and this allows Duratray to be able to free-issue the rubber wearmat kits from its manufacturing facilities in Melbourne without having to pay import duties and/ or taxes when re-exported to our customers destination port.
The location of the Batam factory is 20km South of Singapore which, as a major shipping hub for the region, allows Duratray to have ready access to numerous vessels which are transiting through Singapore and sailing onwards to ports all around the world. Duratray SDB deliveries ex-Batam during this year 2020 have included destinations in Australia, PNG, the Philippines and the UK.