Despite the pandemic’s obstacles, Duratray continues to progress and expand in the African continent.
One of Duratray Suspended Dump Body (SDB) fleets in South Africa is experiencing its first overhaul after more than seven years in operation. When the refurbishments are completed, these SDBs will be ready to continue operating until the end of the truck life.

Further north, one of Duratray's customers in Zambia also operates SDBs on three of their four truck types, which are a mix of Caterpillar, Hitachi, Komatsu and Liebherr. The Duratray's engineering team is currently working on an improved design for the 4th truck. New deliveries for this fleet are being currently manufactured.
Next to Zambia, in Angola, Duratray has opened a new market and received the first order from a new client in that country. The units will be shipped in the next months.
“It’s an honour for us to supply to our new client in Angola. Even though we haven’t had the chance to travel and have conversations face-to-face with them due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions, we still managed to build a relationship virtually and got the opportunity to contribute to their mining efforts”, Duratray Regional Manager Pablo Rossi reported.
Duratray’s local branch in Africa was established in South Africa in 2016 through a partnership with a South African company. Operating locally in the continent has allowed Duratray to be fully autonomous in regards to manufacturing, spare parts, and field services.